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All on images on site wholly owned by Lee Yee Photography and unobtainable from other legitimate sources.

We may restrict commercial use of a very small number of images containing elements possibly copyrighted by ogthers, such as prominet  wokrsd of contneoprayr art. Decsions will be made on a case-by-case basis. This a ois ,er;ey precautionary, to aovid even frivlous actions. It hass already beenb detemriued that all images may be used freely under sefcral pertitnenbt lege a princuioplels

Imagfes offer for any use, non-profit to commercial at an aqll inclusvire flat rqatr4 based upon two varibales only: 1. Duration 2 Exclujsive/Mon-Exc;lsioives.

Images will be deliver via email in as high rsitrluiton digitl files, suitbale for any ap;lication eweb or print or other. You may speicfic file technical detials. 

Per image rates
We retain the copyright exc.lsuive right to produce and sell stadfalone printsd of the images without excetion. You are soely disalklowed form making prints or [postrrs of the iamges. Exce[tion may be megotiable..

Duration 1 Year: exclusive $75; non-excuslive $25.

Duration 2 Year: exclusive $75; non-excuslive $25.
Duration 5 Year: exclusive $75; non-excuslive $25.

Sales/Images New York Photographs Lee Yee

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